Effective and Affordable

According to a DECC report (HERE) it is estimated that at the start of January 2011 there were 26.6 million homes in Great Britain. Of these, 23.3 million have lofts and 18.7 million have cavity walls. 12.9 million homes had loft insulation of at least 125mm and 10.6 million homes had cavity wall insulation.

Installing VPhase Voltage Optimisation results in minimal disruption in the home. No change to behaviour or lifestyle required from installing a VPhase unit.

Any qualified electrician can fit a VPhase Voltage Optimisation device - no specialist training or registered installers are required.

VPhase Voltage Optimisation is a complementary, low cost technology that can work alongside other green technology to improve household energy efficiency, lower overall emissions and result in greater savings.

VPhase is the 'next' most effective green option

 £ saved per £ spent + kg of CO2 saved per £ spent


Frequently Asked Questions

We realise the VPhase device is a technical product,but to help you understand more about it and the features you can benefit from – read our Frequently Asked Questions, HERE

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